The Environmental Gathering & BTTI  invite you to a zoom presentation with Walter Graham

Join a Zoom meeting: Topic: Public Water – Fluoride


Meeting ID: 493 809 4936

Walter Graham, an activist, and campaigner against water fluoridation. Walter and many others have had a successful victory in the 1990’s banning water fluoridation in Northern Ireland and now are fighting to ban it in the Republic of Ireland. Walter has agreed to give of his knowledge & experience in this fight and guide us on what we the public can do to….STOP FLUORIDATION!

             and safeguard our health!

 on why he thinks we should:



Thursday 19th October 2023


Please circulate this…… fluoridation-poster-19th-october-2023

Futher information on Fluoride at http://fluoridealert.org/faq/

Ireland at http://fluoridefreewater.ie